Westleigh St Paul’s Primary School

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Year One

How can we be a Superhero? Why do we have castles? Is there such thing as the Loch Ness Monster?
Is there a man on the Moon? Where in the World is Paddington Bear? Who is the best pirate in our class?

Curriculum Statement 2022/2023

Westleigh St. Paul’s Primary School

“Working Together, Playing Together”

St. Paul’s Values – Friendship, Love, Trust, Respect, Hope

Curriculum Statement

As a school we believe our children possess unique gifts, qualities and talents and have the right to succeed. We want them to recognise their own greatness and develop who they are in a loving and nurturing environment. Our school vision is firmly rooted in our values and we hope that through our curriculum and inspiring teaching, children develop a love of learning. We encourage them to aim high to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help them to be successful into adulthood.

Curriculum Intent

Our bespoke curriculum is broad and balanced taking into account National Curriculum expectations and our school’s unique characteristics. It is an enquiry based approach taught through Learning Challenges which enable children to have input into their learning. The Learning Challenges also give context to the learning to access subjects in a thematic way. We offer a great deal of enrichment and first hand experiences to ensure all children have equal opportunities regardless of family circumstances. Special days and events including visitors, expert facilitators and educational visits enhance the curriculum further. Values underpin all that we do, fostering curiosity, independence and resilience. Physical and emotional wellbeing have a high priority within our curriculum design, as well as opportunities to deepen spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding.

Curriculum Implementation

Our curriculum balances National Curriculum expectations and a wide variety of educational experiences which allow children to flourish. Strategic planning allows the curriculum to be dynamic and adapt to the context of the school and children’s needs. Age related expectations combine the acquisition of knowledge and development of skills to create a purposeful and exciting learning journey for each child. There is also a focus on developing transferrable skills through strong cross curricular links. The development of thinking skills and appropriate challenge for all learners strengthens the curriculum further.

Curriculum Impact

The Senior Leadership Team monitor and evaluate the curriculum on a regular basis using a range of strategies. Subject leaders monitor individual subjects by reviewing learning, evaluating pupil voice, providing advice and feedback, celebrating strengths and identifying areas for improvement. Evaluation of coverage, attainment and progress all form part of assessing curriculum impact. The curriculum is reviewed annually in consultation with teachers to make it the best it can be for our children.