Westleigh St Paul’s Primary School

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Statement of Intent

Westleigh St Paul’s CE Primary School is required to keep and process certain information about its staff members and pupils in accordance with its legal obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The school may, from time to time, be required to share personal information about its staff or pupils with other organisations, mainly the LA, other schools and educational bodies, and potentially children’s services.

These policies are in place to ensure all staff and governors are aware of their responsibilities and outlines how the school complies with the following core principles of the GDPR. 

Organisational methods for keeping data secure are imperative, and Westleigh St Paul’s CE Primary School believes that it is good practice to keep clear practical policies, backed up by written procedures.


Please click on the links below to view policies.

 E-Safety Policy.docDownload
 Privacy Notice for Primary schools v5.docDownload
 WSP GDPR_Data Protection Policy V4.pdfDownload
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