Westleigh St Paul’s Primary School

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In Mathematics, children develop knowledge, skills and understanding through a consistent Mastery approach throughout all phases of school. This allows pupils to become confident in developing the skills of fluency, reasoning and problem solving across the curriculum and becoming resilient in their approach to mathematics to equip them with the skills that they will use in their life beyond school.

Please click on the documents below to see the progression maps for each individual skill taught in Maths.

 1 Progression Map Place Value.pdfDownload
 10 Progression Map Statistics.pdfDownload
 2 Progression Map Addition and Subtraction.pdfDownload
 3 Progression Map Multiplication and Division.pdfDownload
 4 Progression Map Fractions.pdfDownload
 5 Progression Map Ratio and Proportion.pdfDownload
 6 Progression Map Algebra.pdfDownload
 7 Progression Map Measurement.pdfDownload
 8 Progression Map Geometry properties of shapes.pdfDownload
 9 Progression Map Geometry posistion direction and movement.pdfDownload
Showing 1-10 of 10