Westleigh St Paul’s Primary School

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At Westleigh St Paul’s CE School we believe that language and English is fundamental to the overall development of the child and their access to all aspects of the wider curriculum.  We, as practitioners, aim to deliver quality teaching of basic and higher order reading, writing, listening and understanding skills, enabling children to become confident and successful in their English.  We want quality teaching and learning to take place.

Reading is a skill essential for life and at St Paul’s we want our children to leave school with a love of reading.  We strongly believe that teaching pupils to read is not sufficient in enabling children to become enthusiastic and lifelong readers.  Along with teaching children the skills to decode texts we also strive to encourage them to foster a love of books and reading. 

High priority is given to reading in Foundation and KS1.  Children are placed in ability groups and each group is given the opportunity to read with the teacher/teaching assistant at least twice a week.  This method of guided reading ensures children are taught a range of reading skills which they practice at school and home.  Children are able to take home at least one (usually two) reading books to read to their parent/ carer every week.  Parents are encouraged to sign and make a comment in their child’s diary on how their child read.